Looking into the desert

Looking into the desert
“In a desert land he found him, in a barren & howling waste. He shielded him & cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest & hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them & carries them aloft. The LORD alone led him.” {Deuteronomy 32:10-12}


Home again

Well, we're "home" again in Michigan.  It's strange to call it home, since Jerusalem has really been our home for the last 10 months, but either way it is good to be back (although we already miss many things about Israel!).  We are so thankful for our time in Israel and are truly amazed at the many opportunities God granted us as well as a community of friends and a sense of "family" while we lived overseas.  We both have said that this past year may have been one of the best ones yet - for us as individuals and for our marriage.  We have grown in our understanding of the Bible, who Jesus was, different cultures and religions, and people in ways that we didn't expect.

We're experiencing a little bit of "reverse culture shock" being back in the States again.  Just a trip to the grocery store has been a little overwhelming.  Instead of walking with my rolly cart to the store and hoping that the ingredients I need are on the shelves this week, and making the trek back up the huge hill to our apartment hauling the groceries behind me...I hop in my car and DRIVE to the store, where I see multiple isles of one product (seriously, 6 refrigerator cases of orange juice, 4 isles of laundry detergent, oh and not to mention the Starbucks (aka "heaven") right at the front of the store!), pack my trunk full and head home to unload it all in the fridge.  Also, the other day we noticed the courtesy of personal space is much different here.  We were in line at the DMV to renew our drivers' license, and there was about 5 feet of space between each person and no one was cutting in line:) In Israel, any inch of space between you and the next person is an invitation for someone to go ahead of you.  Overall, we've just realized how nice everything is here! Everything is so convenient and easy really...something we used to take for granted.  It's funny how a fresh perspective changes things.  We almost feel like we're on vacation!

The past few days have been busy with us seeing family and some friends, getting adjusted to the 7 hour time change, and moving back into our house.  We don't see this move from Israel as coming back to what we left 10 months ago, but rather a new chapter of life.  We are different than when we left and have changed in ways that we don't even fully know yet.  We are hopeful for what is ahead (a baby in July!) and a fresh start in a place that will once again become home, but in a new way.

A Welcome Home sign from Matt's cousins &
balloons from our neighbors!

Our nephew Noah colored this scorpion
picture for Matt so he could remember these
lovely creatures from Israel:)

Matt's parents bought us groceries!
(and moved in most of our furniture...
oh, and cleaned our house!)
How amazing is that?!

Relaxing at Lake Michigan...it's not the Mediterranean Sea,
but it's pretty beautiful!