Looking into the desert

Looking into the desert
“In a desert land he found him, in a barren & howling waste. He shielded him & cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest & hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them & carries them aloft. The LORD alone led him.” {Deuteronomy 32:10-12}


We're Here!

The past 10 months or so have been filled with anticipation for moving overseas to Jerusalem and now we are finally here!  After moving out all of our belongings from our home and packing 4 suitcases full of all that we will need for a year (more like cramming with the use of space bags!), we are happy to say that we made it safely (along with all of our luggage)! Some of you may know that we have not always had the best traveling experience when going overseas, so we were very thankful that all went well!

We arrived this past Thursday and have been recovering from jet lag (a 7 hour difference from Michigan time, so needless to say - we are tired!).  We were welcomed by our good friends who we will be living with for the next year.  It will be great to have community with them and others we meet while we are here.

Here's a few things we've done the past couple of days:
-made it through customs in Israel and got all of our luggage!
- rode a Nesher (bus taxi) to our apartment in Jerusalem from the TelAviv airport (took about 2 1/2 hours)
- dinner and catching up with good friends

-unpacked our suitcases
- walked to Baka and the German Colony (areas of Jerusalem)
- saw where Matt will be going to school this year
- Shabbat began at sundown (the city shuts down and everyone celebrates the Sabbath until sundown on Saturday)
- blessing of the wine (Kiddush) and of the bread (Ha-Motzi) before eating the Shabbat meal.
- could hear celebrations of Ramadan from our apartment

-Shabbat today! It is a day of rest - much needed:)
- walked 45 minutes to church near the New City
- church starts at 10:45(ish) didn't really start until about 11:15.  It was a wonderful time of worship with believers from all over the world! Great teaching on the Lord's Prayer.  Many professors and Biblical scholars also go there - we met some amazing people....even some from West Michigan.  Church goes a long time and we were there until about 2pm talking and meeting people (this is typical - very welcoming!)
- after our 45 minute walk back home (downhill this time), had lunch, took naps, and just relaxed
- took an evening walk to the Promenade -  a park with trails and beautiful views of the old city.

Tomorrow begins a new week.  We will venture out to the markets and find out how to change money to shekels.  So far we are loving it here and are excited for all the new experiences and learning that this year will bring!

 sign for the Nesher from the airport

 view from our window

 our street where we live

 Jerusalem University College

 our apartment

 The Old City - Temple Mount

 on our walk through Promenade - great views of the city!

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