Looking into the desert

Looking into the desert
“In a desert land he found him, in a barren & howling waste. He shielded him & cared for him; he guarded him as the apple of his eye, like an eagle that stirs up its nest & hovers over its young, that spreads its wings to catch them & carries them aloft. The LORD alone led him.” {Deuteronomy 32:10-12}



Thanksgiving was a little different this year being in Jerusalem.  Since no one here recognizes our holiday as a special day, life goes on as normal for most people.  But, we joined with our American friends and had a full-on traditional Thanksgiving and it was great!  Here's some things we are thankful for...

- The opportunity to live, study, and volunteer in Jerusalem!! We have really enjoyed learning about the people, cultures, and land of Israel.  What a blessing to literally walk in the land of the Bible! We are constantly challenged to view the Bible with the land and locations of things here in mind.

learning in our outdoor classroom in the land of Israel
- Each other and how our marriage has grown in the last years.
outside of the Old City of Jerusalem near Jaffa Gate
- Great friends and a community of believers that feel like family
We were able to stream the football game on Thanksgiving!
enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at JUC
- Skype & GoogleVoice - we stay connected with our families on a regular basis and enjoy the chance to catch up on life every couple of weeks.

- Our new niece - Madelyn Mae born on October 22nd ... (we're thankful for all of our nieces and nephews and love and miss them so much!).
Here she is! Isn't she so cute?!
- The ability to learn and the opportunity for Matt to begin his MA at JUC
Map work for our class
- Chances to volunteer and use our gifts to serve others.

- Support, prayers, and love from home.  We appreciate all of you who are making our time here in Jerusalem a reality!

- Packages from our parents stocked full of things from America that we miss, or are really expensive or non-existent here in Israel (hot chocolate, brown sugar, brownie and cookie mixes)! These just make our week when these boxes arrive:)

- Slippers and warm blankets.  It is cold in Jerusalem! Not Michigan cold, but the kind that just stays in you all the time.

- Homemade meals

Thanksgiving dinner! Turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, and cranberries - yum!

- New experiences

On our last field study class, standing in the Monestary at the highest point of Petra.
- The grace and love of our Lord, Jesus Christ who led the perfect example of how to live and how to serve others.

There is so much more we are thankful for and are so blessed beyond what we could ever imagine!
We hope you also enjoyed your Thanksgiving!

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